4 Operation4.7.3 Battery Replacement4-404.7.3 Battery ReplacementIf the battery voltage drops to approximately 2.7 V or less, an absolute encoder battery error alarm (A.830) oran absolute encoder battery error warning (A.930) will be displayed.If this alarm or warning is displayed, replace the batteries using the following procedure.Use Pn008.0 to set either an alarm (A.830) or a warning (A.930).• If Pn008.0 is set to 0, alarm detection will be enabled for 4 seconds after the ALM signal outputs max. 5 sec-onds when the control power is turned ON.No battery-related alarm will be displayed even if the battery voltage drops below the specified value afterthese 4 seconds.• If Pn008.0 is set to 1, alarm detection will be always enabled after the ALM signal outputs max. 5 secondswhen the control power supply is turned ON.(1) Battery Replacement Procedure Using an Encoder Cable with a Battery Case1. Turn ON the control power supply of the SERVOPACK only.2. Open the battery case cover.Parameter Meaning WhenEnabled ClassificationPn008n.0[Factory setting]Outputs the alarm A.830 when the battery voltagedrops. After restart Setupn.1 Outputs the warning A.930 when the battery voltagedrops.4 s5 s max.Warning A.930(Pn008.0 = 1)Alarm A.830(Pn008.0 = 0)ALMOFFAlarm status Normal statusONBatteryvoltage beingmonitoredBattery voltagebeing monitoredControlpowerOpen the cover.