5 Adjustments5.2.2 Tuning-less Levels Setting (Fn200) Procedure5-145.2.2 Tuning-less Levels Setting (Fn200) ProcedureThe procedure to use the tuning-less function is given below.Operate the tuning-less function from the digital operator (option) or SigmaWin+.For the basic operation of the digital operator, refer toΣ-V Series User’s Manual, Operation of Digital Opera-tor (No.: SIEP S800000 55).(1) PreparationCheck the following settings before performing the tuning-less function. If the settings are not correct, "NO-OP" will be displayed during the tuning-less function.• The tuning-less function must be enabled (Pn170.0 = 1).• The write prohibited setting (Fn010) must be set to Write permitted (P.0000).• The test without a motor function must be disabled. (Pn00C.0 = 0).(2) Operating Procedure with Digital OperatorCAUTION• To ensure safety, perform the tuning-less function in a state where the SERVOPACK can come to anemergency stop at any time.Step Display after Operation Keys Operation1Press the Key to view the main menu for theutility function.Use the or Key to move through the list,select Fn200.2Press the key to display the load level settingscreen for Fn200 (Tuning-less Levels Setting).Notes:• If the response waveform causes overshooting or ifthe load moment of inertia exceeds the allowablelevel (i.e., outside the scope of product guarantee),press the Key and change the mode setting to2.• If a high-frequency noise is heard, press theKey and change the mode setting to 0.3 Press the Key to display the rigidity level of thetuning-less mode setting screen.4Press the Key or the Key to select the rigid-ity level.Select the rigidity level from 0 to 4. The larger thevalue, the higher the gain is and the better responseperformance will be. (The factory setting is 4.)Notes:• Vibration may occur if the rigidity level is too high.Lower the rigidity level if vibration occurs.• If a high-frequency noise is heard, press theKey to automatically set a notch filter to the vibra-tion frequency.5 Press the Key. “DONE” will flash for approxi-mately two seconds and then “RUN” will be dis-played. The settings are saved in the SERVOPACK.㧾㨁㧺 ̆ 㧲㨁㧺㧯㨀㧵㧻㧺̆㧲㨚㧜㧤㧜㧦㧼㨛㨘㨑ޓ㧰㨑㨠㨑㨏㨠㧲㨚㧞㧜㧜㧦㨀㨡㨚㨑㧸㨢㨘ޓ㧿㨑㨠㧲㨚㧞㧜㧝㧦㧭㧭㨀㧲㨚㧞㧜㧞㧦㧾㨑㨒㧙㧭㧭㨀㧾㨁㧺 ̆ 㨀㨡㨚㨑㧸㨢㨘㧿㨑㨠 ̆㧹ޓ㨛㨐㨑㧩㧾㨁㧺 ̆ 㨀㨡㨚㨑㧸㨢㨘㧿㨑㨠 ̆㧸ޓ㨑㨢㨑㨘㧩㧠㧾㨁㧺 ̆ 㨀㨡㨚㨑㧸㨢㨘㧿㨑㨠 ̆㧸ޓ㨑㨢㨑㨘㧩㧠㧺㧲㧞ޓޓޓޓޓ2nd notch filter㧾㨁㧺 ̆ 㨀㨡㨚㨑㧸㨢㨘㧿㨑㨠 ̆ 㧸ޓ㨑㨢㨑㨘㧩㧠