5.1 Type of Adjustments and Basic Adjustment Procedure5-55 Adjustments5.1.3 Monitoring Operation during AdjustmentCheck the operating status of the machine and signal waveform when adjusting the servo gain. Connect a mea-suring instrument, such as a memory recorder, to connector CN5 analog monitor connector on the SERVO-PACK to monitor analog signal waveform.The settings and parameters for monitoring analog signals are described in the following sections.(1) Connector CN5 for Analog MonitorTo monitor analog signals, connect a measuring instrument to connector CN5 with an analog monitor cable(model: JZSP-CA01-E).(2) Monitor SignalThe shaded parts in the following diagram indicate analog output signals that can be monitored.∗ Available when the fully-closed loop control is being used.Line Color Signal Name Factory SettingWhite Analog monitor 1 Torque reference: 1 V/100% rated torqueRed Analog monitor 2 Motor speed: 1 V/1000 min-1Black (2 lines) GND Analog monitor GND: 0 VProbe GNDProbe GNDMeasuringProbeMeasuringProbeMeasuringInstrument*WhiteRedBlackBlackCN5CN5JZSP-CA01-EWhiteRedBlackBlack∗ You must acquire the measuring instrument separately. Connection Example(U/V/W)−+∗∗∗∗+ + +TorquereferenceSpeedreferencePositionreference+−−+ + 1SERVOPACKSpeed feedforwardPosition reference speedPositionamplifier errorMotor rotationalspeedSpeed referenceActive gain TorquereferenceSpeedconversionSpeedloopCurrentloopFully-closedloop controlElectronicgear1ElectronicgearTorque feedforwardErrorcounterErrorcounterErrorcounterLoadMKpPosition errorPositioningcompletedCompletion of positionreferenceExternal encoder speedSpeedconversionSpeedconversionMotor - loadposition error CN31ENCCN2 ExternalENC-+ElectronicgearBacklashcompensationPosition loop