3.4 Setting Stop Mode1093.4.3 Using Zero-Clamp1) The zero-clamp function is used for a system in which the host controller does not form aposition loop by speed reference input.In other words, this function is used to cause the motor to stop and enter a servo lockedstatus when the input voltage of speed reference V-REF is not 0 V. When the zero-clampfunction is turned ON, an internal position loop is temporarily formed, causing the motorto be clamped within one pulse. Even if the motor is forcibly rotated by external force, itreturns to the zero-clamp position.Host controllerSpeed referenceSpeed reference less thanCn-29 setting is ignored StopsinstantaneouslyV-REFP-CON2) Set the following memory switch so that input signal P-CON can be used to enable ordisable the zero-clamp function.Cn-01Bit A Control Mode Selection FactorySetting:0For Speed/Torque ControlOnlyCn-01Bit B Control Mode Selection FactorySetting:0For Speed/Torque ControlOnly→ Input P-CON 1CN-41 Proportional Control, etc. For Speed/TorqueControl andPosition ControlCn-01Setting Control ModeBit B Bit AControl ModeZero-clamp Speed ControlThis speed control allows thezero-clamp function to be set whenthe motor stops.D A speed reference is input fromV-REF (1CN-5).D P-CON (1CN-41) is used to turn thezero-clamp function ON or OFF.ServopackSpeed referenceZero-clamp(1CN-5)(1CN-41)0 1 P-CON(1CN-41) isopen (OFF)Turnszero-clampfunction OFFZero-clamp is performed when thefollowing two conditions are met:P-CON signal is closed.P-CON(1CN-41) isclosed (ON)Turnszero-clampfunction ONP-CON signal is closed.Motor speed is below the valueset in Cn-29 (ZCLVL).D Torque reference input T-REF(1CN-9) cannot be used.3Speed/Torque