3.3 Setting Up the Σ Servopack1053.3.3 Setting the Number of Encoder Pulses1) To ensure that the Σ-series Servo System operates properly, set the type of the encoderto be used and the number of encoder pulses per revolution in the following userconstants:Cn-02 Bit 9 Encoder Type Selection FactorySetting: 0For Speed/Torque Controland Position ControlSet the encoder type according to the servomotor type to be used.After changing the memory switch setting, turn the power OFF, then ON.Motor Type Encoder Type Preset ValueSGM-jjj31jSGMP-jjj31jIncremental encoder 0SGM-jjjW1jSGMP-jjjW1jAbsolute encoder 1Cn-11PULSNONumber ofEncoder PulsesUnit: PulsesPer RevolutionSettingRange:Number ofEncoderPulsesFactorySetting:2048For Speed/TorqueControl andPosition ControlSet the number of encoder pulses according to the servomotor type to be used. If thisuser constant is set incorrectly, system operation cannot be guaranteed.After changing the user constant setting, turn the power OFF, then ON.Motor Type Number of Encoder Pulses Per Revolution Preset ValueSGM-jjj31jSGMP-jjj31jIncremental encoder: 2048 pulses per revolution 2048SGM-jjjW1jSGMP-jjjW1jAbsolute encoder: 1024 pulses per revolution 10243