_____________________________________ Macintosh Setup 3-175. Verify the setup.a. Make sure your Macintosh is connected to the printerwith a LocalTalk or Ethernet cable.b. Double-click the XANTÉ Command Center icon in theXANTÉ Utilities folder.c. Choose General: Printer Status. A dialog box displaysthe current printer status.Note: If the status dialog box does not appear, checkall cable connections and be sure the printerinterface you are using is enabled on the printer.d. Click OK in the dialog box. Choose File: Quit to closeCommand Center.App Drivers FolderSome Aldus PageMaker and FreeHand versions, QuarkXPress, andScenicSoft Preps applications require special files in addition to thestandard PPD supplied for your printer. These files are in the CD-ROM’s App Drivers folder. See “Application Notes and PageDesign” in the appendix for additional information.Note: Some advanced XANTÉ printer features may not beavailable when using older application versions. Also, APD(Aldus Printer Description) files for PageMaker version 4.01and earlier and FreeHand versions 2.02 and earlier areavailable from XANTÉ Technical Support.PageMaker 5 PPD FolderThe PageMaker 5 PPD folder contains PPDs for Aldus PageMakerversions 4.2 to 5.0 and Aldus FreeHand version 3.0 and 3.1. Toinstall these PPDs