SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands ManualUBX-17003787 - R09 22 GNSSPage 231 of 307Parameter Type Description• 1: Download of local aiding data from the cellular module to the GNSS receiver• 2: AssistNow Offline file download request (file loaded into cellular module)• 4: AssistNow Online data download request (data loaded into the GNSS receiver).This is only needed if AssistNow Online is not used with automatic operation• 8: AssistNow autonomous• Other values are reserved for future use22.7 Send of UBX string +UGUBX+UGUBXSARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52BModulesSARA-N4Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time Error referenceAttributesfull No No No < 10 s +CME Error22.7.1 DescriptionSends UBX protocol messages, embedded in an AT command, to a u-blox GNSS receiver. The command istransparent, that is the data is sent to the GNSS receiver without any check: it is up to the user to control ifthe UBX data is valid. The checksum in +UGUBX command string is ignored, this is calculated when the datais sent to the GNSS receiver.When the GNSS is off the UBX string is saved in RAM and, later, passed to the GNSS as configuration for "GNSSdata ready" function when the GNSS receiver is used. This message is used only if the GNSS receiver HW isunknown (newer than the cellular module FW). In this case the UBX checksum bytes must be filled correctly.It is recommended to not send UBX messages to reset the GNSS receiver while it is in use, this willcause a misalignment between the configuration of the cellular module and the one of the GNSS receiver.Furthermore it is recommended to not configure the GNSS power saving with the "GNSS data ready"active, because the GNSS receiver could send wrong reading requests to the cellular module.22.7.2 SyntaxType Syntax Response ExampleSet AT+UGUBX= +UGUBX: OKAT+UGUBX="B56206010800010600010000000017DA"+UGUBX: "B5620501020006010F38"OK22.7.3 Defined valuesParameter Type Description String UBX message in hexadecimal format. The messages can include spaces to simplifycopy/paste from u-center separated with spaces, e.g. AT+UGUBX="B5 62 06 01 08 00 01 06 00 01 00 00 00 00 17 DA" (this is important when copying messages from u-center). For the limit of the length of the string, see Command line.response>String The response message depends by the request sent: query/poll UBX messages willreturn the requested data in hexadecimal format, while the configuration messagewill return the corresponding acknowledge or not-acknowledge. See the UBX protocolspecification22.7.4 Notes• If a +UGUBX command triggers multiple strings answer only a single UBX string is returned. E. g. pollingGPS Aiding Ephemeris Data (AID-EPH) is done by sending a single message to the receiver but returns32 messages; only the first one is sent to AT interface.• The answer can be split in multiple information text responses all starting with "+UGUBX:".