SARA-R4/N4 series - AT Commands ManualUBX-17003787 - R09 22 GNSSPage 229 of 30722.5 Aiding server configuration +UGSRV+UGSRVSARA-R410M-02B SARA-R410M-52BModulesSARA-N4Syntax PIN required Settings saved Can be aborted Response time Error referenceAttributesfull No NVM No - +CME Error22.5.1 DescriptionConfigures the network connection to a Multi GNSS Assistance (MGA) server. The configuration is saved inNVM and applied at the next GNSS power cycle. The MGA server is accessed with the HTTP. This assistancemode requires a packet data connection to exchange information with u-blox servers. By default, the cellularmodule connects to u-blox' primary MGA server; if the connection fails then the cellular module connects tou-blox' secondary MGA server. Authorization tokens are used as a means of authorizing access to the u-bloxservices and for gathering anonymised statistics. To obtain a token customers should use the form in http://www.u-blox.com/services-form.html. The set command registers a token for gathering assistance data fromMGA servers. Once a token is set it cannot be cleared so that registered hostnames in +UGAOP and +UGAOFcommands are discarded.Setting up Internet connection and network registration is not part of this command and must be handledby the user separately to this command.22.5.2 SyntaxType Syntax Response ExampleSet AT+UGSRV=[server>],[],[,[,[,[,[,[,]]]]]]OK AT+UGSRV="cell-live1.services.u-blox.com","cell-live2.services.u-blox.com","123456789abcdefghijklm",14,4,1,65,0,1OKRead AT+UGSRV? +UGSRV: ,,,,,,,,OK+UGSRV: "cell-live1.services.u-blox.com","cell-live2.services.u-blox.com","123456789abcdefghijklm",14,4,1,65,0,1OKTest AT+UGSRV=? +UGSRV: ,,token>,(list of supported s),(list of supported s),(listof supported s),(listof supported s),(list of supported s),(list ofsupported s)OK+UGSRV: "srv1","srv2","token",(1,2,3,5,7,10,14),(1-5),(1-3),(1,64,65),(0-2),(0-15)OK22.5.3 Defined valuesParameter Type Descriptionserver>String Host name of the primary MGA server; the maximum length is 254 characters.Empty string is not allowed. The default and factory-programmed value is "cell-live1.services.u-blox.com". If the primary MGA server is omitted, the current storedvalue is preserved.server>String Host name of the secondary MGA server; the maximum length is 254 characters.Empty string is not allowed. The default and factory-programmed value is "cell-live2.services.u-blox.com". If the secondary MGA server is omitted, the current storedvalue is preserved. String Authentication Token for MGA server access.
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