iDCS 500 PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 2 NOVEMBER 2001MMC: 854 DIAGNOSTIC TIMEDESCRIPTION:Provides a means to set the iDCS 500 Diagnostic Time. The iDCS 500 diagnosticstests include memory audits, internal loopback tests on digital trunks, DSP, CIDDSP, AA DSP tests. Additional tests include CODEC tests on analog trunk andstation cards and tone tests. If the diagnostics cannot complete the tests because ofsystem traffic, the system will abort the test and retry during the next programmeddiagnostic time. It is recommended to assign the diagnostic time during non-peaktraffic periods.✳ Diagnostics are only available on a system with a LAN module installed on theMCP card.DIAL PAD DAY SELECTION:0= Sunday 2 = Tuesday 4 = Thursday6 = Saturday 1= Monday 3 = Wednesday5 = FridayPROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPK Used to store data and advance to next MMCACTION DISPLAY1. Press TRSF 854Display showsDIAGNOSTIC TIMESUN: :2. Press RIGHT soft key to move cursor DIAGNOSTIC TIMESUN: :3. Enter military time hour via the dial pad.Cursor will advance to next entry.DIAGNOSTIC TIMESUN:23:4. Enter military time minutes via the dial pad.Cursor will advance to Step 1.DIAGNOSTIC TIMESUN:23:30