iDCS 500 PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 2 SEPTEMBER 2003MMC: 835 VoIP DSP OPTIONDESCRIPTION:This MMC provides various VoIP DSP options. The options set in this MMC are ITM3system wide.NOTE: Programming MUST be exited before changes to the ITM3 take effect.• AUDIO CODEC: Selects which audio codec compression to use. Selections are1. G.711 (64K), 2. G.723.1 (5.3K~6.4K), 3. G.729A (8K) 4. 729 (8K)• ECHO CANCELLATION: Enables or disables echo cancellation (0: disable, 1:enable). This function removes echo that is generated by voice reflection andpacket delay.• SILENCE SUPRESSION: This parameter determines whether silencesuppression is used (0: disable, 1: enable). This prevents transmission duringthe silence period of a call.• INPUT FILTER: This option select input filtering of the DSP (0: disable, 1:enable). This should be set as ON.• OUTPUT FILTER: This option select output filtering of the DSP (0: disable, 1:enable). This should be set as ON.• INPUT GAIN: PCM input gain value of DSP. The range is –31dB~31dB (0~63).This set the quality of PCM voice from the VoIP DSP to the PCM system• VOICE VOLUME: This selects the voice volume. The range is –31dB~31dB(0~63). This set the voice volume from the PCM system to the VoIP DSP• MULTI FRAME COUNTER: This option selects the number of frames the ITM3will consolidate the packet header message. The voice packets are buffered tothe set number and sent as a single packet. The range is 1~12.• JITTER OPTION: This selects the dynamic jitter specific value. Value determineswhether the focus is on packet loss or packet delay. The range is 00~12. Thelower number is used in the case of packet losses and the higher end is usedwhen there is more packet delay.• RTP DELAY LIMIT: This is the value of the delay limit. The status will changewhen this limit is exceeded. The value is measured in milliseconds (ms). This isused to determine network error.