iDCS 500 PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 2 NOVEMBER 2001MMC: 853 MAINTENANCE BUSYDESCRIPTION:This MMC is used to place stations, trunks, and common resources equipment in amaintenance busy condition. This can be used to isolate suspected intermittentproblem equipment. Stations placed in maintenance busy will behave like a stationin DND when called. The calling stations display (if equipped) will show “MADEBUSY” when called. Stations receiving DID or E&M type calls will receive a DND/ Nomore calls tone. The station display will still function with station and date. When thebusy station is accessed, it will function like a locked out station. Trunks made busycan not originate calls. Ring down type trunks will still ring the programmeddestination. Common resource equipment such as DSP’s, CID DSP’s andmiscellaneous equipment such as page ports, AA ports or voice mail card ports canalso be placed in a maintenance busy state.MAINTENANCE BUSY OPTIONS0. TRK = Trunks1. STN = Stations2. PAGE = Page Ports3 AA = Auto Attendant card ports4. DTMFR:DSP = DSP # 01-485. CID:DSP = CID DSP # 01-426. R2MFC:DSP = R2MFC:DSP # 01-087. CONF:GRP = CONF:GRP #01-24NOTE: Selectable conditions 0 = idle state1 = busy stateNOTE: In cases of DSP/ CID DSP selection when DSP is not mounted display willshow NONE. If mounted display will show IDLE by default.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor or select optionSPK Used to advance to next MMCTRSF Exit