iDCS 500 PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 2 SEPTEMBER 2003MMC: 107 KEY EXTENDERDESCRIPTION:Use this program to view the programmable keys assigned to keyset station. Inaddition, it allows the system administrator to assign key extenders to some keysthat will make a general access feature key more specific. The feature keys that canhave extenders are listed below.FEATURE KEY EXTENDERACC Account code bin (000–999) – AVAILABLE IN L VERSION ONLYBOSS Boss and Secretary (1–4)CS UCD Call Status (UCD group number)DIR Directory dial by name type (1–3)DP Direct Pickup (extension or station group number)DS Direct Station Select (station number)FWRD Call Forward (0–7)GPIK Group Pickup (01–20)IG IN/Out of Group (Station Group Number)MMPG Meet Me Page (0–9, 4)PAGE Page (0–9, 4)PARK Park Orbits (0–9)RP Ring Plan (1–6) H/M Option Only. LH Version Only.RSV Room Status View (0–4).H/M Option Only. LH Version Only.SG Station Group (500–549)SP UCD Supervisor (UCD group number)SPD Speed Dial (00–49, 500–999)VT Voice Transfer (VM Station Group Number)PMSG Programmed Station Text Messaging (01–20)PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPK Used to store data and advance to next MMCHOLD Used to clear previous entry