WHAT IS CALLER ID?Caller ID is the name given to the telephone company-provided feature that de-livers the telephone number and sometimes the name of the person calling yourphone. There are two types of Caller ID; the first delivers the calling party’s tele-phone number only and the second (sometimes referred to as “Deluxe” Caller ID)delivers both the calling party’s telephone number and name as listed in the tele-phone directory.The phone system can handle both types of Caller ID; in fact, in the case of num-ber only delivery, the system can be programmed to insert a name for a specifictelephone number. However, even though you are paying to receive Caller IDinformation, there are some circumstances that mean you will not receive this in-formation.The six most common reasons are listed below along with the display in-formation that the system will provide.PRIVATE The caller does not wish his/her name or number to be re-vealed to you. This type of call can be stopped at the tele-phone company by dialing an access code on your outsidelines. This will redirect these PRIVATE calls to an announce-ment that states that you do not wish to receive calls thathave had Caller ID blocked. The code to block these callscan usually be found in the front section of the telephonedirectory.OUT OF AREA The caller is calling from an area that cannot provide Call-er ID information (for example, international calls) orhe/she is calling from a type of circuit that cannot provideCaller ID information, for example, some outbound WATSlines.PAYPHONE The caller is calling from a coin-operated telephone. Thetelephone company will send this information as there areno directory listings for pay phones. The number will bedelivered as usual.INVALID CID INFO This is a message that will be displayed when CID informa-tion is sent on the line but was somehow corrupted.NO CID RECEIVED This is a message that will be displayed when there was noCID information sent on the line.5352The following example will better demonstrate how to use Text Messaging. In thisexample station 201 is making an off hook voice announcement to station 205who after hearing the announcement will respond with a text message.STATION 201: LINDA STATION 205: JOHNreceived a call on line 702 is talking on line 701Talking on line 702702: 01:15 701: 05:25CONF PAGE MUTEPress TRANSFERTransfer:RETURNDial 205205:busyOHVA CAMP ONOHVA to 205 OHVA from 201TMSG REJECTWait for reply GIVE THE CALLTMSG:01 SENDDial 03 or press twiceASK THEM TO HOLDTMSG:03 SENDASK THEM TO HOLD Wait for replyTMSG EXIT702: 01:45 701: 05:55CONF PAGE MUTE CONF PAGE MUTE