5LCD 24B KEYSET LAYOUTLABELING PROGRAMMABLE KEYSInsert the end of a paper clip into the notch of the clear cover. Pushthe cover sideways. Lift the cover and remove the designation strip.Label the designation strip. Replace the strip and cover.VOLSPKHOLDTRSFANS/1 2 ABC 3 DEF4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO7 PRS 8 TUV 9 WXY0OPERRLSSCROLLHOLD KEYTRANSFER KEYANSWER/RELEASE KEYPULLOUTDIRECTORY TRAY32 CHARACTER DISPLAY Twolines with 16 characters each.SOFT KEYS Used toactivate features viathe display.SCROLL KEY Used toscroll through displays.16 PROGRAMMABLEK E Y S W I T H T R I -COLORED LIGHTSUsed for CALL buttons,intercom calls, outsidelines and many othersystem features.8 PROGRAMMABLEKEYS WITH REDLIGHTS Used to callstations directly, to in-dicate busy condi-tions of other sta-tions, for One Touch di-aling and many othersystem features.VOLUME CONTROLKEYS Used to set inde-pendent levels for hand-set, speaker, back-ground music, ring andpage volumes.SPEAKER KEY Used to switchcall to speakerphone.MICROPHONE Forhandsfree operation.SPEAKER For handsfreeoperation and ringing.4SYSTEM TONESThe system provides several tones to assist you. Some of these tones are alreadyfamiliar to you.Intercom Dial Tone—A steady tone that indicates you can begin dialing.DIAL TONECONTINUOUSRingback Tone—Indicates the station you dialed is ringing.RINGBACK TONE—1000 ms ON/3000 ms OFFCONTINUOUSBusy Tone—Indicates the station you dialed is busy.BUSY TONE—500 ms ON/500 ms OFFCONTINUOUSDND/No More Calls Tone—Fast busy tone indicates the station youdialed is in the Do Not Disturb mode or cannot receive any more calls.DND/NO MORE CALLS TONE—250 ms ON/250 ms OFFFOR TEN SECONDSTransfer/Conference Tone—Indicates your call is being held and youcan dial another party.TRANSFER/CONF TONE—100 ms ON/100 ms OFFCONTINUOUSConfirmation Tone—Very short beeps followed by dial tone indicate youhave correctly set or canceled a system feature.CONFIRMATION TONE—50 ms ON/50 ms OFFFOR ONE SECOND(programmable)Error Tone—A distinctive two level beeping tone indicates you havedone something incorrectly. Try again.ERROR TONE—50 ms of tone 1/50 ms of tone 2FOR THREE SECONDS