Introduction2 Installation ManualIntroductionThis document provides information and procedures needed to install a network of the KX-TDA0480. Although the KX-TDA0480 installation process is straightforward, carefulplanning will smooth the process and allow for trouble-free expansion and upgrading.Steps associated with assigning network addresses and creating a network telephonenumbering system should be performed by persons experienced in network administration. Forcomplex installations, it may be useful to create a diagram of the network similar to those usedin various sections of this document. Planning issues are addressed in Section Planning: of thisdocument.In addition to this introduction, this document is organised into the following sections:• KX-TDA0480 Overview• Planning• Physical Installation• Logical InstallationAt the end of this document are appendices that provide detailed information on topics that willbe useful during the planning and installation process."Appendix" sections deal with advanced topics related to installing and configuring a IPGateway network.In the case of smaller networks it may not be necessary to refer to these topics. As networksgrow in complexity, these topics will augment the information provided in the main body ofthis guide. Additionally, it may be necessary to refer to the KX-TDA0480 Programming Guide.The last appendix in this section contains worksheet reproduction masters that can be used inthe IP Gateway network planning process.