Panasonic Eco Solutions Nordic ABMEW01457 Rev: - Operating Instructions Fire alarm system EBL512, V2.7.x5416.7 Acknowledged alarmNOTE! Valid for the New Zealand convention only.A fire alarm presented in the LCD can be acknowledged by pressingthe button "Acknowledge fault" (P6).Acknowledged alarms are indicated in the fire alarm list in the LCDby "ACK" in front of the alarm, see page 44. This indication is theonly difference between a fire alarm and an acknowledged alarm.Acknowledged alarms ("ACK") have to be reset like normal firealarms ("ALM").16.8 Isolated alarmNOTE! Valid for the New Zealand convention only.A fire alarm ("ALM") or an acknowledged alarm ("ACK") presentedin the LCD can be isolated as follows:When the "New Zealand FB Silence switch" (outside switch) is turnedOFF (from activated to not activated), any fire alarm andacknowledged alarm will be isolated (=disabled).62Isolated alarms are indicated in the fire alarm list in the LCD by "ISO"in front of the alarm respectively, see page 44.Isolated alarms do not activate any control outputs, do not activate theoutput for routing equipment (Fire brigade tx), do not activate thec.i.e. buzzer and do not activate the LED:s "Fire" in the c.i.e.Isolated alarms ("ISO") have to be reset like normal fire alarms("ALM").Isolated alarms have to be re-enabled via menu H2/B5 before they canactivate a new fire alarm again.62 LED "Disablements" (L8) is indicating that one or more zones / alarmpoints are isolated (disabled).