Panasonic Eco Solutions Nordic ABMEW01457 Rev: - Operating Instructions Fire alarm system EBL512, V2.7.x14431.4 Re-connect loop (H8/S3)Disconnected (disabled) loops / zone lines (via menu H8/S2) areindicated by LED "Disablements" and listed in menu H4/U1.NOTE! When you re-connect a COM loop all the statistics shown inmenu H5/A7 will be erased and set to "0".Action Text in display Comments"Access" According to chapter"Access code formaintenance", see page141.Scroll to menu S3. Re-connect loopACCEPT? S3"A" Re-connect type: 0 (0=COM, 1=BS4,2=DET8, 3=Loop Unit) ACCEPT?Press:"0"=COM loop"1"=BS4 loop"2"=Expansion board 1580"3"=Addr. zone interface2226 / 23353361 (MIO).Press "A" to accept."A"Depending on thechosen type, 0, 1, 2 or3, the following will beshown:Re-connect COM-Loop: 0, CU: 00ACCEPT?Write the requirednumbers. Press "A" toaccept.Re-connect BS4-Loop: 0, Board: 0, CU: 00ACCEPT?Re-connect DET8-input: 0, Board: 0,CU: 00 ACCEPT?Re-connect input technical no.: 000000ACCEPT?"A" Re-connect type: 0 (0=COM, 1=BS4,2=DET8, 3=Loop Unit) ACCEPT?Continue to re-connect orpress "Return" to menu S2.LED "Disablements" willbe turned off if there areno other disablements inthe system."Return" Re-connect loopACCEPT? S3Scroll or press "Return" toreturn to menu H8. Scrollor press "Return" to logoff.