Panasonic Eco Solutions Nordic ABMEW01457 Rev: - Operating Instructions Fire alarm system EBL512, V2.7.x12427.8 Configuration (H4/U8)In a control unit the menu H4/U8 can be used to see the followingsettings (made in Win512, "Tools" menu) for that specific controlunit:Number of addresses that can be used, i.e. xxx = 128, 256 or 512 (setin "EBL512 settings" dialog box).Language The language for texts presented in the alphanumericdisplay / print-outs. Language file (nnnn.SST) to be downloaded isselected (in "Download software…" dialog box)Convention Different countries have different conventions, specific functions, etc. The convention is set (changed) viaWin512, menu Tools | Settings…("Win512 Settings" dialog box).103It is not possible to get a print-out from this menu.Action Text in display Comments"Access" According to chapter"Access", see page 92.Scroll to menu H4. Present system status on display andprinter ACCEPT? H4"A" DisablementPrintout: (1=yes) U1Scroll to menu U8. Show configurationU8Press "A" to accept."A" Max number of allowed loop units xxxLanguage:nnnnnnnnnn Conv.:ccccccccccPress "Return" to menuU8."Return" Show configurationU8Scroll or press "Return"to menu H4. Scroll orpress "Return" to log off.103 To set (change) the convention in Win512, Level 2 has to be selected anda password is required.