Panasonic Eco Solutions Nordic ABMEW01457 Rev: - Operating Instructions Fire alarm system EBL512, V2.7.x13829 Acknowledge FAULTS (H6)Regarding fault indication, etc., see chapter "Fault", page 55.See also chapter "Fault acknowledge", page 76.All faults (i.e. not acknowledged faults, acknowledged faults andcorrected / serviced faults) are stored in the event log and can belisted, see chapter "Event log (H4/U7)", page 123.In menu H6 are up to 300 faults listed (not acknowledged andacknowledged but not corrected / not serviced faults).Action Text in display Comments"Access" According to chapter"Access", see page 92.Scroll to menu H6. Acknowledge FAULTSACCEPT? H6"A" FAULT: Xxxxxxxx............Date: MM-DD Time: HH:MM See commentsNOTE! The date is in some conventions / languagesshown as DD-MM.This is a list in whichyou can scroll. The firstfault in the list is themost recent fault. If afault is corrected, thetext: Serviced113 isshown. To acknowledgethe fault shown in thedisplay, press "Faultacknowledge"."Fault acknowledge" FAULT: Xxxxxxxx............Date: MM-DD Time: HH:MM AcknowledgedThe fault is nowAcknowledged. If /when the fault iscorrected, it is no longershown in this list. Scrollin the list (e.g. toacknowledge morefaults) or press "Return"to menu H6.114"Return" Acknowledge FAULTSACCEPT? H6Scroll or press "Return"to log off.113 If faults are selected (via Win512) to be "not latched", the text Servicedwill never be shown.114 When the list is empty, i.e. when all faults are acknowledged andcorrected / serviced, you will automatically return to menu H6: