OperationFifth Wheel OperationWARNINGTo prevent property damage, personal injury,and / or death, always follow the fifth wheelmanufacturer’s instructions for hooking andunhooking as well as sliding the fifth wheel.WARNINGTo prevent property damage, personal injury, and/ or death, when using an assistant to repositiona sliding fifth wheel, the driver must be readyto stop as soon as the fifth wheel moves to thedesired position. The assistant must keep feet,hands and body clear of the vehicle’s tires andother moving parts to prevent personal injury ordeath. The driver must not begin to move thevehicle until the assistant is clear and signals thedriver to move the vehicle.Fifth Wheel Slide Switch (Optional)An optional Fifth Wheel Slide switch may be present. This switchallowstheoperatortoelectronicallyunlockthefifthwheeltoallowittobemovedforwardorbackwardandrelockitoncethedesiredposition is attained.To unlock the fifth wheel, press in the top portion ofthe switch. The switch indicator will illuminate steadilywhen the fifth wheel is unlocked.NOTE: The fifth wheel cannot be unlocked above a presetspeed (normally 2 mph [3 km/h]). Attempting to unlockthe fifth wheel at any higher speed will cause the switchindicator to flash slowly (once per second). The fifth wheellock automatically engages if it has been unlocked and thevehicle speed exceeds the preset value.Tolockthefifthwheeloncethedesiredpositionisreached, pressthe lower portion of the switch. The switch indicator will turn offwhen the fifth wheel is locked.NOTE: A fast flashing (twice per second) switch indicatorsignifies a problem in the fifth wheel lock system.Hook-Up1. Fifth wheel jaws must be opened fully.2. Tilt fifth wheel back to prevent body damage whentractor is backed under trailer.3. Block trailer wheels and be sure trailer spring brakes areadjusted and applied. Never chase a trailer.4. Make sure brake hoses and light cords are clear of thefifth wheel.198