ForewordSECTION 1 — FOREWORDPrefaceYour vehicle has been engineered and manufactured so that itcan provide economical and trouble-free service. However, it isthe owner's responsibility to see that the vehicle receives propercare and maintenance.Making modifications to various parts, components, andsystems of your vehicle, such as brake, suspension, andsteering systems, can adversely affect the quality and reliabilityof your vehicle. Such modifications must be avoided.Cautions and WarningsThroughout this manual, you will find Cautions and Warnings:WARNINGWarnings advise you of hazards, theconsequences, and what to do to prevent them,not only to prevent damage to your vehicle orproperty, but to help prevent situations andoccurrences that could result in personal injuryor death.CAUTIONCautions will advise you of the proper care tobe taken to prevent damage to your vehicle orproperty.Studythismanualcarefully. Donotoperateyourvehicleuntilyouare completely familiar with the contents of this manual. Alwaysretain this manual in your vehicle for reference. If you sell thevehicle, make sure the manual goes with it.1