GX-Series Control Panel Installation and Setup Guide6-116The currently assigned name is displayed on the top line - an underscore shows where the nextcharacter will be positioned, and a selection of the alphabet is shown on the bottom line - the cursorflashes on the letter L.Press the * key to erase the characters already assigned to the name.The A> or keys can be used to move the alphabet left or right until the required character ispositioned underneath the flashing cursor. When the required character is in position press the ent keyto copy the character to the descriptor in the top line. Repeat this procedure to assemble the requiredGroup Name.Text Case & LibraryOn entering the Group Name option the alpha-numeric characters are all presented in upper case.Pressing the # key toggles the characters to lower case.Pressing the # key when the lower case alphanumeric characters are displayed toggles to the librarywords. The words can be viewed using the A> or keys or directly selected using the reference number- refer to Appendix A - Library. When the required word is displayed, press the ent key to copy it tothe name.NOTE: Library words are a maximum of 12 characters and upper case only.Group Name DisplayWhen viewing the groups assigned to an option, for example user code or outputs, simultaneouslypressing the # and * keys displays the groups individually. The keypad displays the group number,name and the status of the particular option being displayed. Press the # key to toggle the status of thegroup. To move to another group press the A> or keys or enter the number of the group directly.GX-085-V0