GX-Series Control Panel Installation and Setup Guide6-114Option 63 – OptionsThe Options function allows the GX-Series to be divided into group subsystems.Options1 = Groups 1 = Group Mode 0 = Disabled1 = Enabled2 = Setting Logic A/B to move to group and ent to select.Number keys to toggle:- = status of group unimportantS = Group must be set to allow group to set.3 = Group Name A/B to move to group and ent to select.# = toggle upper case, lower case or library text.* = delete last character.A/B = move to character/word.ent = assign character/word.esc = save programming.GX-058-V0Figure 6-7. Options63.1=GroupsOn selecting Options, the keypad displays 1 = Groups; press the ent key to select this function.1 = Group ModeThis option is used to enable the Groups function (default is 0 = Disabled). When enabled, the systemoptions that are eligible for group programming are then made available throughout the menu,otherwise they do not appear.Enabling GroupsOn selecting 1 = Enabled, press the ent key to accept the programming and return to the previousmenu type.NOTE: You must return to the Engineer Mode banner for groups to be fully enabled.Disabling GroupsThe Group Disabled feature operates as follows:When disable groups is selected in menu option 63.1.1 two option are given:1. Reset Groups2. DisabledIf option 1 - Reset Groups is selected the engineer is prompted to confirm the selection. If confirmed, bypressing the enter key, all group programming, for all the panel features, are reset to A1. Whenengineering mode is exited a warning message is displayed (ATT!!! GRPS OFF, SYS.OP. IMPACT)alerting the engineer that groups have been reset and there will be an impact on the operation of allfunctions not programmed as group A1. This warning message will be displayed until the ESC key ispressed by the engineer, acknowledging the warning.NOTE: When group programming is re-enabled all previous group programming will not be restored.If option 2 - Disabled is selected the engineer is prompted to confirm the selection. If confirmed, bypressing the enter key, all group programming, other than A1 will be disabled (zones, outputs, links,users). When engineering mode is exited a warning message is displayed (ATT!!! GRPSOFF, SYS. OP.IMPACT) alerting the engineer that groups have been disabled and there will be an impact on theoperation of all areas not programmed as group A1. This warning message is displayed until the ESCkey is pressed by the engineer, acknowledging the warning.NOTE: If this option is selected, when group mode is re-enabled all previous group programming will berestored. However, while group mode is disabled, a zone not programmed to group A1 will notoperate normally on the system. It is strongly recommended that, whenever possible, groups arealways reset to A1 when disabling groups.