4. Press the QUIT key and highlight Yes, whenprompted, to stop playing.WaRNiNg: When playing any of the virtualgames (where you are moving on a realplaying field), use caution in selecting an areafree of hazards, such as holes, obstructions,or proximity to vehicular traffic. Playingthese games may distract your attention fromobserving objects in your path.Memory RaceThis is a GPS virtual gamewhere the playing piece moveswhere you move. To win theMemory Race, remember whichsquare has which symbol,and then clear the board bymatching all of the two-symbolsets together. Travel to eachsquare, highlight Open at thebottom of the screen, and press ENTER to view thesymbol.To adjust the grid size in custom mode:1. Highlight the Grid Size or Square Size field,and press ENTER to select from the optionslist. Press ENTER to make your selection.2. To begin the game, highlight Start, and pressENTER .3. To place yourself back in the middle of thegame board, highlight Re-Center, and pressENTER.Virtua MazeThis GPS game creates a virtualmaze on the screen. You areplaced at a central position inthe maze and must explorethe maze collecting flags.The lower-right corner of thescreen tells you how many flagsremain. The lower-left cornercontains a timer showing theelapsed time. The difficulty level determines howmuch of the maze you can see at one time. Viewingless of the maze makes the game more difficult.GPSMAP 60Cx Owner’s Manual MAIn Menu > gAMes Menu