Important InformationMAP DATA INFORMATION: One of the goals of Garminis to provide customers with the most complete and accuratecartography that is available to us at a reasonable cost. Weuse a combination of governmental and private data sources,which we identify in product literature and copyright messagesdisplayed to the consumer. Virtually all data sources containsome inaccurate or incomplete data. In some countries,complete and accurate map information is either not availableor is prohibitively expensive.NOTICE REGARDING WINDSHIELD MOUNTING;SPECIAL NOTICE TO DRIVERS IN CALIFORNIAAND MINNESOTA: State law prohibits drivers inCalifornia and Minnesota from using suction mounts on theirwindshields while operating motor vehicles. Check your stateand local laws and ordinances for similar restrictions. OtherGarmin dashboard or friction mounting options should beused. Garmin does not take any responsibility for any fines,penalties, or damages that may be incurred as a result ofdisregarding this notice or as a result of any other state or locallaw or ordinance relating to use of the unit. (See CaliforniaVehicle Code Section 26708(a); Minnesota Statutes 2005,Section 169.71.)The California Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003requires the recycling of certain electronics. For moreinformation on the applicability to this product,see POI Loader and Custom POIs Notice: Garmin isnot responsible for the accuracy of, or the consequences ofusing a custom POI or safety camera database.viii GPSMAP 60Cx Owner’s ManualIntroductIon > IMPortAnt InforMAtIon