Using the GPSMAP 60CxThis section explains how to enter and selectinformation with the GPSMAP 60Cx.Understanding TermsAs you progress through this manual, you are directedto press a specific key or highlight a field on thescreen. When you are directed to press a key, youshould press and quickly release the key. (You mayneed to hold down a key for a period of time to start asecondary function, when the instructions tell you todo so.) When a field is highlighted on the screen, it ishighlighted in yellow. The position of the highlight iscontrolled by the ROCKER.The following terms are used throughout this manual:Highlight—move the highlighted area on the screenup, down, left, or right with the ROCKER to selectindividual fields.Field—the location on a page where data or an optioncan be shown and entered. Highlight a field using theROCKER to begin entering data or selecting options.On-screen button—use the ROCKER to highlight abutton, and press ENTER to select the button.Scroll bar—when viewing a list of items too long toappear on the screen, a scroll bar appears along theright side of the list. To scroll through a list, press upor down on the ROCKER or use Zoom In to scroll aset of items and Zoom Out to scroll the entire screen.Default—the factory setting saved in the unit’smemory. You can change many settings, but you canalso revert to the factory (default) settings.HighlightedfieldOn-screen buttonsField6 GPSMAP 60Cx Owner’s ManualgettIng stArted > usIng the gPsMAP 60cx