0 GPSMAP 3206/3210 Owner’s ManualusIng radar > understandIng radarradarBefore transmission begins, the message “Spinning Up” is shown while the radarantenna reaches nominal rotation speed. After the message disappears, the radarbegins painting an image.Understanding the Radar DisplayThe Radar Page shows a status bar along the top, user-configurable digitalnavigation data down the right side, a Heading Line, and Range Rings. Soft keysthat allow quick access to radar functions and setting changes appear along thebottom of the page.RangerngsHeadng lneZoom scale Rng separatonSoftkeysUsing Range RingsUse the Range Rings to quickly determine the distance to a target. The lower-right corner of the screen contains two scales. The scale value represents thedistance from one end of the scale bar to the other. The top scale is the currentzoom scale. Use the RANGE keys to zoom in or out. The bottom scale representsthe ring separation or the distance between the Range Rings. The tick marks onthe Range Rings are arranged with major tick marks at 30 degree incrementsand minor tick marks every five degrees. The tick marks can help in quicklydetermining the azimuth to a target.3/ nm1/2 nm1/ nmHeading LineThe Heading Line is shown from your current position along the path of yourcurrent heading.