20 GPSMAP 3206/3210 Owner’s ManualbasIc oPeratIon > revIewIng and edItIng waYPoIntsbasIcoperatIonProximity WaypointsUse the Proximity sub tab to define an alarm circle around a stored waypoint. Thealarm circle can help you avoid reefs, rocks, or restricted waters. You can addproximity alarms to a maximum of 10 waypoints or on-screen map items, with amaximum alarm radius of 99.99 nautical or statute miles, or kilometers.If a proximity alarm circle overlaps an existing alarm circle, the message“Proximity Overlaps Another Proximity Waypoint” appears. Because the unitonly alerts for one of the overlap points, use caution when navigating in theseareas. If you enter a red proximity circle overlap, you are alerted only to theclosest proximity waypoint.Proxmty crcle Proxmty waypontTo add a proximity waypoint:1. Press the New Alarm soft key on the Proximity sub tab. The Find FromCurrent Position Page appears.2. Highlight a category, and press ENTER.3. Use the ROCKER to highlight a waypoint or map item from the list, andpress ENTER. The Review Page appears for the selected waypoint or mapitem within a red circle.4. Press the OK soft key. The Proximity sub tab appears with the Distancefield highlighted.5. Press ENTER and use the ROCKER to enter a proximity radius (up to99.99 units).6. Press ENTER when finished.To turn proximity alarms on or off:1. Use the ROCKER to highlight the field below Proximity Alarm on theProximity sub tab, and press ENTER.2. Select ON or OFF, and press ENTER.To clear one or all proximity waypoints from the list:1. Use the ROCKER to highlight the proximity waypoint you want to clear.2. To clear a single alarm, press the Delete, soft key.ORTo clear all proximity waypoints, press the Delete All soft key. Aconfirmation message appears.3. Press the OK soft key to delete the proximity waypoint. Otherwise, pressthe Cancel soft key, or press QUIT to cancel.