3 GPSMAP 3206/3210 Owner’s ManualM aIn Pages > M aP PageMaInpaGesSelecting Map RangesThe map display has 28 available range scales from 20 ft to 800 mi (5 m to 1200km). The map range is controlled by the RANGE Up and RANGE Down keys,with the current range shown at the lower-right corner of the Map Page.Usng Bult-In BasemapUsng BlueChart g2 DataOverzoom, no addtonal dataTo select a map range:Press the RANGE Up key to zoom out or the RANGE Down key tozoom in.NOTE: The scale value represents the distance from one end of the scale bar tothe other.CartographyThe GPSMAP 3206/3210 contains preloaded marine map detail usingBlueChart® g2 technology. Coverage is for U.S. coastal areas, including Alaskaand Hawaii. Features include integrated mapping, 2-D or mariner’s eye mapperspective, tide and current data, improved IALA symbols, navaids, marinas,boat ramps, roads, and more.The GPSMAP 3206/3210 accepts preprogrammed data cards and are compatiblewith the latest BlueChart® g2 series marine cartography. The unit showscartography as long as there is chart information available for the selected range.Map coverage conforms to the following conditions:Cartography appears when the selected zoom range is covered by either theinternal database, or BlueChart g2 data.When the selected zoom range is covered by both the internal database andBlueChart g2 data, the cartography with the best resolution appears.When the selected zoom range exceeds the resolution of the data in use,overzoom cartography appears and an overzoom warning appears belowthe range.NOTE: The GPSMAP 3206/3210 is not compatible with GarminBlueChart g2 Vision mapping data.•••