2 GPSMAP 3206/3210 Owner’s ManualM aIn Pages > hIghwaY PageMaInpaGesFor the compass to work, the GPS must be moving. When you are moving,the orange Bearing Pointer points toward your destination, while the CompassRing reflects the direction you are traveling by a red vertical line at the topof the Compass Ring. When you are headed directly toward your destination,the Bearing Pointer points toward the top of the screen, aligned with the redvertical line at the top of the Compass Ring. If you are not heading towardyour destination, the Bearing Pointer turns, continuing to point toward yourdestination. To head toward your destination, turn until the Bearing Pointer isaligned with the red vertical line in the Compass Ring.Along the right side of the screen are the default data fields; the top field is speed.Also shown are the distance to your waypoint (DIST NEXT) and estimated timeen route (ETE NEXT). The distance and en route time decrease as you near yourdestination.The Bearing Pointer or Compass Ring may point in various directions whenyou are stationary or at very low speeds. When you start moving, the pointer iscorrect.You can customize the Compass Page to show other functions and different sizesor types of Digital Data fields.Highway PageThe Highway Page provides graphic steering guidance to a destination waypoint,placing greater emphasis on the straight-line course, and the distance anddirection you are off course. As you head toward your destination, the middle ofthe screen guides you to your waypoint on a highway. Your present location is atthe bottom-center of the Highway Page. Three-dimensional cartography providessituational awareness while navigating. The line down the middle of the highwayrepresents your course.Current nav pontRoute waypontCurrentlocatonDesredtrack lneData fieldsAs you head toward your destination, the highway perspective moves to indicateyour progress to the waypoint and which direction you should steer to stayon course. If you are navigating a route, the Highway Page shows each routewaypoint in sequence connected by a magenta “road” with a line down themiddle, which represents your course. As you navigate toward a waypoint, thehighway moves—indicating the direction you are off course. To stay on course,