GPSMAP 3206/3210 Owner’s ManualM aIn Menu > tIde tabMaInM enuCurrent Sub TabThe Current sub tab contains shows information for currents in a 24-hour span,starting at midnight. You can choose from different dates and more than 3,000Current Stations around the U.S.A. coastline, Alaska, Hawaii, western Canada,and several of the Caribbean islands. The top of the Current sub tab shows theCurrent Station and the date. The bottom of the tab shows the distance andbearing from your location.The Current sub tab contains two charts: one for speed and one for direction.The top chart is the speed chart, which shows the speed of a given current at anypoint during the day. The shaded area is blue (Flood Current) when the current isheading toward shore; the shaded area is red (Ebb Current) when the current isheading away from shore.The bottom chart is the direction chart, which shows the direction of the currentat any given point during the day (based on the north reference, not true north).The bottom of each chart shows a 24-hour block of local time for your location.Day (yellow bar) and night (blue bar) at the Current Station appear across thetime scale, with the time progressing from left to right (sunrise and sunsetinformation may not be available for some stations). The solid, light verticallines are in 4-hour increments, and the light, dotted vertical lines are in 1-hourincrements. A solid, vertical line (with the local time at the top) indicates thestrength of the current that corresponds to the time shown in the local time box.To select the Current Station nearest to your location:1. Highlight the For field, and press ENTER to open the Find Currents Page.2. Highlight Current Position, and press ENTER to open the Find NearCurrent Position Page.3. Select a Current Station from the list, and press ENTER. As you movethe highlight over each Current Station in the list, the station is highlightedon the map window. The distance and bearing from your location to thehighlighted station are shown at the bottom of the list.