Overview of Reports and Lists8-2Printing Communication Reports and Lists8Overview of Reports and ListsThis section provides a summary of reports and lists. Reports contain informationabout past sending and receiving transactions. Lists contain information about thedestinations stored in the Address Book and the settings made from the AdditionalFunctions screen.The types of reports and lists you can print are described below.■ TX ReportThe TX Report enables you to check whether the documents were sent correctlyto their intended destinations. This report can be printed automatically after thedocuments are sent.Here is a sample TX Report and a summary of some of the abbreviations used inthis report.Item DescriptionsREPORT NAMEWhen the document transmission is completed successfully,a “TX Report” is printed. When a send error occurs, an“ERROR TX REPORT” is printed.MESSAGE A message describing the transmission result is printed.TX/RX NO The four digit number automatically assigned when thedocument is accepted for sending is printed.DEPT. ID If Department ID Management is set, the Department ID isprinted.DESTINATIONADDRESSThe address of the recipient is printed.If the documents are sent to a USB memory media device,“MEMORY MEDIA” is printed.DESTINATION ID The name of the recipient is printed.ST. TIME The date and time (in 24-hour notation) at which thedocument started to be transmitted are printed.