2 Either click × for the job to cancel printing or selectthe job to cancel printing and then click Delete to de-lete the job.3 If there are no jobs to stop in the printer window (ifsending the print data to the printer has finished), ei-ther click Settings, Utility, and then Open PrinterUtility, or click Utility to open the imagePROGRAFPrintmonitor.4 Select the print job to cancel and click to deletethe print job.Note• The screen may differ slightly depending on the model you are using.The job sent to the printer is canceled.5 Exit imagePROGRAF Printmonitor. In the printer window, click Resume or Resume Printer.Important• Always follow these steps if you cancel print jobs from imagePROGRAF Printmonitor. If you do not re-start job processing, the next job cannot be printed.Canceling Print Jobs from Mac OS iPF850User's GuideBasic Printing Workflow Canceling print jobs26