COPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON 660/2100 REV.0 FEB. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)VIII. SELF DIAGNOSISThe microprocessor on the DC controller PCB is quipped with a self diagnostic mech-anism which checks the condition of the printer unit (in particular, condition of the sen-sors). The mechanism runs a check as needed and, upon detection of an error, will indi-cate an error code on the copier’s control panel.A. Printer unitCHAPTER 10 TROUBLESHOOTING10-99Cause• The fixing assembly warm-up isfaulty.• The fixing assembly has overheated.• The fixing temperature is abnormallylow.• The upper/lower fixing heater has anopen circuit.• The fixing assembly type is wrong.• The main motor start-up is faulty.• The main motor rotation is faulty.• The waste toner case is full.• The waste toner detection assemblyoperation is faulty.Description• When the time taken to reach thestandby temperature from 20°C afterthe fixing heater has been turned onis longer than the reference time.• The fixing temperature during stand-by or printing exceeds about 230°C.• The fixing assembly temperaturedrops below 120°C after it hasreached the target value.• A check is made for an open circuitat the start of temperature control.The AC current expected in the fix-ing heater is absent.• The rated voltage of the machine’spower supply and that of the fixingassembly do not match.• The revolution of the main motorfails to reach a specific value.• The revolution of the main motordeviates from a specific value.• A specific number of prints havebeen made after the waste tonercase full warning has been issued(DISPLAY>SENSOR>W-TONER).• At time of power-on or while thedrum motor is rotating during print-ing operation, the light-receiving cellof the waste toner sensor does notdetect light for a specific time evenwhen the waste toner case is notfull.CodeE000E003E001E004E009E010E011E013E019Download free service manual at