III. RELOCATING THE MACHINEIf the machine must be moved by truck or any other means of transportation afterinstallation, perform the following steps.The printer unit is designed to rotate its fans for 30 min after the power switch isturned off to prevent overheating inside it. Be sure that the fans are not rotating beforestarting the work.COPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON 660/2100 REV.0 FEB. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 8 INSTALLATION8-16No.123WorkTake out the toner cartridges (Y, M, C, Bk).Obtain the drum cartridge cover (MF4-0106)taken out when installing the drum cartridge.Set it as shown, and take out the drum car-tridge while keeping it level.Take out the orange fixing member used forthe secondary transfer belt.Remarks12Download free service manual at http://printer1.blogspot.com