COPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON 660/2100 REV.0 FEB. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)II. FORMING LATENT STATIC IMAGESA. OutlineThe latent static image formation block consists of the drum cartridge and the pre-exposure LED assembly.The drum cartridge houses the photosensitive drum, primary charging roller, wastetoner case, drum cartridge memory, toner feeding roller, and stirring plate.The photosensitive drum, toner feeding roller, and stirring plate are rotated by thedrum motor (M2), and the primary charging roller rotates in conjunction with the photo-sensitive drum.The waste toner inside the drum cartridge is monitored by the waste toner detectingassembly. The life of the photosensitive drum, on the other hand, is monitored by the DCcontroller PCB, and the findings are stored in the drum cartridge memory inside the drumcartridge.The pre-exposure LEDs are designed to expose the surface of the photosensitivedrum at specific timing.Figure 4-201CHAPTER 4 IMAGE FORMATION SYSTEM4-5Light-emittingassemblyLight-receivingassemblyDetectingwindowStirring plateToner feeding rollerPhotosensitivedrumWaste toner detecting assemblyWaste toner casePre-exposure LED assemblyPrimary chargingrollerDC controller PCBDrum motor drive signalWaste toner detection signalWaste toner detection LED activation signal(WTLED)(WTNFUL)Drum cartridge memory data input signalDrum motorDrum cartridge memoryM2Main relay PCBPre-exposure LEDPCBDownload free service manual at