COPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON 660/2100 REV.0 FEB. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)B. Latent Static Image Formation BlockThis block consists of three steps, performed to generate a latent static image on thephotosensitive drum.At the end of the last step in this block, the dark areas of the drum which have notbeen exposed to the laser beam retain negative charges, while the light areas of thedrum which have been exposed to the laser beam are rid of negative charges.The image on the drum formed by negative charges is not visible to the human eye,and therefore is called “latent static image.”CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION1-22Time (t)Laser beam exposure(step 3)Primary transfer(step 5)Primary charging(step 2) Primary charging(step 2)Pre-exposure(step 1)Pre-exposure(step 1)Light areaDark areaSurfacepotential0-100-500(V)Figure 1-803Download free service manual at