COPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON 660/2100 REV.0 FEB. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)I. CONTROL PANELA. OutlineThe printer unit’s control panel has ten LEDS, one LCD, eight switches, and onebuzzer.The control panel is connected to the printer board, and has the following functions:• Using the LCD, indicates printer unit status and errors.• Using the LEDs, indicates printer unit operations.• In response to a switch input, selects a printing environment, operation mode,utility, and pick-up/delivery slot.• In response to a faulty switch input, sounds the buzzer.Figure 7-101B. OperationsThe control panel uses a single-line, dual-direction serial interface.The ASIC on the printer board serves to exchange data between the control paneland the CPU. The data to the LEDs, LCD, and buzzer on the control panel and the vari-ous data occurring as a result of switch inputs are controlled by the FPI* signal (bi-direc-tional data).CHAPTER 7 EXTERNALS/AUXILIARY MECHANISMS7-1Control panelJ14-B5-B2-A5-B4-B3-A2BuzzerLEDLCDCPU SwitchIC12Printer boardASICDC controller PCBFPI*RESET*FP0*FP4*FP3*FP5*J202-B28-B31-A28-B29-B30-A31+5RFP1*FP4*FP0*FP2*FP3*FP5*GNDJ2101-1-3-6-2-4-5-7-8J225-8-6-3-7-5-4-2-1VCCFP1*RESET*GNDGNDGNDGNDGNDJ73Download free service manual at