SEATS AND RESTRAINTS 83When securing an add-on childrestraint, refer to the following:1. Instruction labels provided onthe child restraint2. Instruction manual providedwith the child restraint3. This vehicle owner's manualThe child restraint instructions areimportant, so if they are not available,obtain a replacement copy from themanufacturer.Keep in mind that an unsecured childrestraint can move around in acollision or sudden stop and injurepeople in the vehicle. Be sure toproperly secure any child restraint inthe vehicle — even when no child isin it.In some areas Certified ChildPassenger Safety Technicians (CPSTs)are available to inspect anddemonstrate how to correctly use andinstall child restraints. In the U.S.,refer to the National Highway TrafficSafety Administration (NHTSA)website to locate the nearest childsafety seat inspection station. ForCPST availability in Canada, checkwith Transport Canada or theProvincial Ministry of Transportationoffice.Securing the Child Within theChild Restraint{ WarningA child can be seriously injured orkilled in a crash if the child is notproperly secured in the childrestraint. Secure the child properlyfollowing the instructions thatcame with that child restraint.Where to Put the RestraintAccording to accident statistics,children and infants are safer whenproperly restrained in an appropriatechild restraint secured in a rearseating position.Whenever possible, children aged12 and under should be secured in arear seating position.Never put a rear-facing child restraintin the front. This is because the riskto the rear-facing child is so great ifthe airbag deploys.{ WarningA child in a rear-facing childrestraint can be seriously injured orkilled if the front passenger airbaginflates. This is because the back ofthe rear-facing child restraint wouldbe very close to the inflating airbag.A child in a forward-facing childrestraint can be seriously injured orkilled if the front passenger airbaginflates and the passenger seat is ina forward position.Even if the passenger sensingsystem has turned off the frontpassenger frontal airbag, no systemis fail-safe. No one can guaranteethat an airbag will not deploy undersome unusual circumstance, eventhough it is turned off.(Continued)