KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS 35Interior MirrorsInterior Rearview MirrorsAdjust the rearview mirror for a clearview of the area behind your vehicle.Do not spray glass cleaner directly onthe mirror. Use a soft towel dampenedwith water.Automatic DimmingRearview MirrorThe vehicle has an automaticdimming rearview mirror. The mirrorwill automatically reduce the glarefrom the headlamps from behind. Thedimming feature comes on when thevehicle is started.Rear Camera MirrorIf equipped, this automatic dimmingmirror provides a wide angle cameraview of the area behind the vehicle.Pull the tab to turn on the display.Push the tab to turn it off. When offthe mirror is automatic dimming.Adjust the mirror for a clear view ofthe area behind the vehicle while thedisplay is off.Press V to scroll through theadjustment options.Press t and u to adjust the settingsusing the indicators on the mirror.The indicators will remain visible forfive seconds after the last buttonactivation, and the settings willremain saved.