VEHICLE CARE 3295. Press and hold SEL in the centerof the five-way DIC control.The horn sounds twice to signalthe receiver is in relearn modeand the TIRE LEARNING ACTIVEmessage displays on the DICscreen.6. Start with the driver sidefront tire.7. Place the relearn tool against thetire sidewall, near the valve stem.Then press the button to activatethe TPMS sensor. A horn chirpconfirms that the sensoridentification code has beenmatched to this tire and wheelposition.8. Proceed to the passenger sidefront tire, and repeat theprocedure in Step 7.9. Proceed to the passenger siderear tire, and repeat theprocedure in Step 7.10. Proceed to the driver side reartire, and repeat the procedure inStep 7. The horn sounds twotimes to indicate the sensoridentification code has beenmatched to the driver side reartire, and the TPMS sensormatching process is no longeractive. The TIRE LEARNINGACTIVE message on the DICdisplay screen goes off.11. Turn the vehicle off.12. Set all four tires to therecommended air pressure levelas indicated on the Tire andLoading Information label.Tire InspectionWe recommend that the tires,including the spare tire, if thevehicle has one, be inspected forsigns of wear or damage at leastonce a month.Replace the tire if:. The indicators at three or moreplaces around the tire canbe seen.. There is cord or fabric showingthrough the tire's rubber.. The tread or sidewall iscracked, cut, or snagged deepenough to show cord or fabric.. The tire has a bump, bulge,or split.. The tire has a puncture, cut,or other damage that cannotbe repaired well because of thesize or location of the damage.Tire RotationTires should be rotated every12 000 km (7,500 mi). SeeMaintenance Schedule 0 359.Tires are rotated to achieve auniform wear for all tires. The firstrotation is the most important.Anytime unusual wear is noticed,rotate the tires as soon aspossible, check for proper tireinflation pressure, and check fordamaged tires or wheels. If theunusual wear continues after therotation, check the wheel