42 KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWSIf equipped, press G to open orclose the rear sunroof sunshade.The rear door panels have controls forthe rear sunroof sunshade. Press Qto open or close.Automatic Reversal SystemThe sunroof has an automatic reversalsystem that is only active when thesunroof is operated inexpress-close mode.If an object is in the path whileexpress closing, the reversal systemwill detect an object, stop, and openthe sunroof again.If frost or other conditions preventclosing, override the feature by closingthe sunroof in manual mode. To stopmovement, release the switch.Dirt and debris may collect on thesunroof seal or in the track. Thiscould cause an issue with sunroofoperation or noise. It could also plugthe water drainage system.Periodically open the sunroof andremove any obstacles or loose debris.Wipe the sunroof seal and roof sealingarea using a clean cloth, mild soap,and water. Do not remove grease fromthe sunroof.If water is seen dripping into thewater drainage system, this is normal.