336 VEHICLE CARECaution (Continued)down until it stops. Driving too fastor spinning the wheels with chainson will damage the vehicle.If a Tire Goes FlatIt is unusual for a tire to blow outwhile driving, especially if the tires aremaintained properly. See Tires 0 315.If air goes out of a tire, it is muchmore likely to leak out slowly. But ifthere ever is a blowout, here are a fewtips about what to expect and whatto do:If a front tire fails, the flat tire createsa drag that pulls the vehicle towardthat side. Take your foot off theaccelerator pedal and grip the steeringwheel firmly. Steer to maintain laneposition, and then gently brake to astop, well off the road, if possible.A rear blowout, particularly on acurve, acts much like a skid and mayrequire the same correction as used ina skid. Stop pressing the acceleratorpedal and steer to straighten thevehicle. It may be very bumpy andnoisy. Gently brake to a stop, well offthe road, if possible.{ WarningDriving on a flat tire will causepermanent damage to the tire.Re-inflating a tire after it has beendriven on while severelyunderinflated or flat may cause ablowout and a serious crash. Neverattempt to re-inflate a tire that hasbeen driven on while severelyunderinflated or flat. Have yourdealer or an authorized tire servicecenter repair or replace the flat tireas soon as possible.{ WarningLifting a vehicle and getting underit to do maintenance or repairs isdangerous without the appropriatesafety equipment and training. If ajack is provided with the vehicle, it(Continued)Warning (Continued)is designed only for changing a flattire. If it is used for anything else,you or others could be badly injuredor killed if the vehicle slips off thejack. If a jack is provided with thevehicle, only use it for changing aflat tire.If a tire goes flat, avoid further tireand wheel damage by driving slowlyto a level place, well off the road,if possible. Turn on the hazardwarning flashers. See Hazard WarningFlashers 0 152.{ WarningChanging a tire can be dangerous.The vehicle can slip off the jack androll over or fall causing injury ordeath. Find a level place to changethe tire. To help prevent the vehiclefrom moving:1. Set the parking brake firmly.(Continued)