34 KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWSThis feature is turned on or offthrough vehicle personalization. SeeVehicle Personalization 0 140.Resetting the Power Folding MirrorsReset the power folding mirrors if:. The mirrors are accidentallyobstructed while folding.. They are accidentally manuallyfolded/unfolded.. The mirrors do not stay in theunfolded position.. The mirrors vibrate at normaldriving speeds.Fold and unfold the mirrors one timeusing the mirror controls to resetthem to their normal position. A noisemay be heard during the resetting ofthe power folding mirrors. This soundis normal after a manual foldingoperation.Manual Folding MirrorsIf equipped, the mirrors can be foldedinward toward the vehicle to preventdamage when going through anautomatic car wash. Push the mirroroutward to return it to the originalposition.Heated MirrorsThe rear window defogger also heatsthe outside mirrors.K : Press to heat the outside mirrors.See Automatic Climate Control System(Dual Zone) 0 158 orAutomatic Climate Control System(Quad Zone) 0 163.Automatic Dimming MirrorThe vehicle has automatic dimmingoutside mirrors. The mirrors willadjust for the glare of the headlampsbehind you.Reverse Tilt MirrorsIf equipped with memory seats, thepassenger and/or driver mirror tilts toa preselected position when thevehicle is in R (Reverse). This allowsthe curb to be seen when parallelparking.The mirror(s) return to the originalposition when:. The vehicle is shifted out ofR (Reverse), or remains inR (Reverse) for about 30 seconds.. The ignition is turned off.. The vehicle is driven inR (Reverse) above a set speed.To turn this feature on or off, seeVehicle Personalization 0 140.