LIGHTING 153Turn and Lane-ChangeSignalsMove the lever all the way up or downto signal a turn.An arrow on the instrument clusterflashes in the direction of the turn orlane change.Raise or lower the lever until thearrow starts to flash to signal a lanechange. Hold it there until the lanechange is completed. If the lever isbriefly pressed and released, the turnsignal flashes three times.The turn and lane-change signal canbe turned off manually by moving thelever back to its original position.If after signaling a turn or lanechange, the arrow flashes rapidly ordoes not come on, a signal functionmay be inoperative. This vehicle isequipped with LED lighting. Forreplacement of any LED lightingcontact your dealer.Cornering LampsIf equipped with cornering lamps, theyautomatically come on when all of thefollowing occur:. The low-beam headlamps are on.. The turn signals are activated orthe steering wheel is at a turningangle.. The vehicle speed is below 40 Km/h or (25 mph).Interior LightingInstrument PanelIllumination ControlThe brightness of the instrumentpanel lighting and steering wheelcontrols can be adjusted.D : Move the thumbwheel up ordown to brighten or dim the lights.