346 VEHICLE CARE6. Connect the other end of the redpositive (+) cable to thepositive (+) terminal of the goodbattery.7. Connect one end of the blacknegative (–) cable to thenegative (–) terminal of the goodbattery.8. Connect the other end of theblack negative (–) cable to theremote negative (–) groundterminal on the driver side shocktower for the discharged battery.9. Start the engine in the vehiclewith the good battery and runthe engine at idle speed for atleast four minutes.10. Try to start the vehicle that hadthe dead battery. If it will notstart after a few tries, it probablyneeds service.CautionIf the jumper cables are connectedor removed in the wrong order,electrical shorting may occur anddamage the vehicle. The repairswould not be covered by the vehiclewarranty. Always connect andremove the jumper cables in thecorrect order, making sure that thecables do not touch each other orother metal.Jumper Cable RemovalReverse the sequence exactly whenremoving the jumper cables.After starting the disabled vehicle andremoving the jumper cables, allow itto idle for several minutes.Towing the VehicleCautionIncorrectly towing a disabledvehicle may cause damage. Thedamage would not be covered bythe vehicle warranty. Do not lash orhook to suspension components.Use the proper straps around thetires to secure the vehicle. Do notdrag a locked wheel/tire. Use tireskates or dollies under any lockedwheel/tire while loading the vehicle.Do not use a sling type lift to towthe vehicle. This could damage thevehicle.CautionIf the vehicle cannot be shifted intoNeutral (N), do not use the tow eyeto tow the vehicle. Vehicle damagemay occur.