198 DRIVING AND OPERATINGPermanent Tap Shift ModeTo enter Permanent Tap Shift Mode:1. With the vehicle in D (Drive),pull back on the shift lever toactivate M (Manual Mode). TheM in the shift pattern willilluminate in red, and the D willswitch to white.2. After releasing the shift lever, itwill return to the center position.3. Press the controls on the back ofthe steering wheel to shift. Usethe left steering wheel control todownshift, and the right controlto upshift. To shift to the lowestavailable gear, press and hold theleft control.To exit Permanent Tap Shift Mode:1. To exit M (Manual Mode) andreturn to D (Drive), pull back onthe shift lever. The D in the shiftpattern will illuminate in red,and the M will switch to white.2. After releasing the shift lever, itwill return to the center position.M (Manual Mode) can be exited toreturn to D (Drive) at any speed bypulling the lever rearward from thecenter position. It is not necessary tostop the vehicle or shift to N (Neutral)or P (Park) before shifting back toD (Drive).Temporary Tap Manual Shift ModeTo enter Temporary Tap Shift Mode:1. With the transmission inD (Drive) and not in PermanentTap Shift Mode, the Tap Shiftcontrols will activate atemporary tap manual shiftmode, allowing the transmissionto be manually shifted.2. To shift to the lowest availablegear, press and hold the leftcontrol.3. To deactivate, hold the rightcontrol briefly. Automatic shiftsreturn after no manual shiftshave been done for seven to10 seconds.While using Tap Shift, the vehicle willhave firmer, quicker shifting. This canbe used for sport driving or whenclimbing or descending hills, to stay ingear longer, or to downshift for morepower or engine braking.The transmission will only allowshifting into gears appropriate for thevehicle speed and engine revolutionsper minute (rpm). If shifting isprevented for any reason, a SHIFTDENIED message will be displayed inthe instrument cluster. Thetransmission will not automaticallyshift to the next higher gear if theengine rpm is too high. It will onlyautomatically shift to the next lowergear if the engine rpm is muchtoo low.