382Chapter 10: TroubleshootingReported Event Corrective ActionDedicated Spare hasbeen deletedResult of settings or user action. Normal.SMARTSMART error is received A disk drive reported a SMART error. If this messageappears repeatedly, replace the disk drive.SynchronizationSynchronization is started Result of settings or user action. Normal.Synchronization iscompletedNormal.Synchronization ispausedSynchronization paused because of userintervention, schedule or higher priority backgroundactivity.Synchronization isresumedSynchronization has resumed again after a pause ora reboot.Synchronization isstoppedSynchronization stopped because of userintervention, schedule or the logical drive was deletedor went critical or offline.Synchronization isaborted due to an internalerror.System resources are low. Reduce system load orrestart the ASUS Storage. See page 130 (ASUSStorage Management) or page 280 (CLU).Synchronization isqueuedSynchronization is already running on another logicaldrive in the same array.Synchronization isstopped internallySynchronization stopped because the disk array wasdeleted or removed.System (ASUS Storage)The system is started The ASUS Storage has been started.The system is stopped The ASUS Storage was shut down.TransitionTransition is started Result of settings or user action. Normal.Transition is completed Normal.Transition is paused Transition paused because of user intervention,schedule or a higher priority background activity.Transition is resumed Transition has resumed again after a pause.Transition is stopped Transition stopped because of user intervention orthe logical drive was deleted.