358Chapter 10: TroubleshootingLEDsStateDark SteadyGreenFlashingGreen Amber RedPower System Off Normal — — —Global RAIDStatus System Off Normal — LogicalDrive CriticalLogicalDrive OfflineGlobalEnclosureStatusSystem Off Normal Locating theEnclosureFan, battery, powersupply, temperature, orvoltage problem*ControllerActivitySystem Offor no iSCSIportsconnectedOne or moreiSCSI portsconnectedActivity — —ControllerHeartbeat System Off — Normal* — —* Check the LEDs on the back of the enclosure for more information.** Blinks blinks green seven times in three seconds, goes dark for six seconds,then repeats the pattern.When the Global Enclosure LED on ASUS Storage’s front panel shows Amber orRed, check the LEDs on the back of ASUS Storage. These LEDs give the statusof individual components. See page 360, Figure 6.Disk Drive LEDsThere are two LEDs on each drive carrier. They report the presence of a diskdrive, activity of the drive, and the drive’s current condition.Figure 3. Disk drive carrier LEDsDisk StatusPower/ActivityIf there is a disk drive in the carrier, the Power/Activity LED displays Green. If not,the Power/Activity LED remains dark.