379Chapter 10: TroubleshootingReported Event Corrective ActionPSU is installed/operational and turned onNormal.PSU is installed/operational and turned offA power supply unit is present but turned off. Turn onthe power supply.PSU is malfunctioningand turned on/offReplace the power supply unit.PSU 12V/5V/3.3V poweris out of the thresholdrangeReplace the power supply unit.PSU 12V/5V/3.3V poweris within the rangeNormal.RAID Level MigrationRAID Level migration isstartedResult of settings or user action. Normal.RAID Level migration iscompletedNormal.RAID Level migration ispausedMigration paused because of user intervention,schedule or a higher priority background activity.RAID Level migration isresumedMigration has resumed again after a pause.RAID Level migration isstoppedMigration stopped because of user intervention,schedule or the logical drive was deleted or wentcritical or offline.RAID Level migration hasencountered a physicaldisk errorBad block found on a disk drive. Migration will finish.Check the disk drive check table after migration andreplace disk drive as needed.RAID Level migration isaborted due to an internalerror.System resources are low. Reduce system load orrestart the ASUS Storage. See page 130 (ASUSStorage Management) or page 280 (CLU).RAID Level migration isqueuedMigration has been set manually or by schedule.Migration has detected/cleared stale NVWatermarkWatermarks are progress markers left as the result ofinterrupted RAID migrations. If the watermark wascleared, migration should finish.